Staking on Binance Smart Chain

Q: Where's the best place to get started with staking?


Q: What networks are supported?

A: Currently staking is available on the Binance Smart Chain and Fantom Network

Q: How do I transfer my MOD from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain?

A: Follow the steps in this article -

Q: I sent my MOD tokens from Ethereum to BSC, but now my balance shows 0?

A: First off, make sure you are connected to the BSC Network on Metamask (see below). Next make sure you have added the proper token address for MOD on the BSC Network.

Binance Smart Chain $MOD contract address


Q: How do I connect to the Modefi Staking Dashboard?

A: Visit and be sure to have your Metamask wallet on the BSC Network and select BSC Network Staking. Then select the connect button in the top right corner.

Q: How do I connect to the BSC network on Metamask?

A: For mobile users you can use this website And for the desktop users you can use this website Search Binance smart chain mainnet and press add to Metamask.

Be aware there are some known issues with trying to stake using Metamask mobile, for the best experience please use Metamask Desktop / Chrome.

Q: How long will staking last?

A: Current staking is a total duration of 30 days starting from April 15th. More pools will be added after each period has ended.

Q: What are the staking rewards for the 30 day period?

A: Single sided MOD pool - 12,000 MOD MOD / BNB Cake-LP pool - 30,000 MOD

Q: Can I unstake at any time?

A: No, all staked are locked until the timer on the staking dashboard reaches 0.

Q: How do I calculate my rewards for the 30 day period?

A: (Your stake / total staked) * reward amount Example:

You stake 3000 MOD

Total amount staked 300000 MOD

3000 / 300000 = 1%

1% of 12,000 MOD rewards = 120 MOD

Q: Is there a staking fee?

A: All transaction fees require the use of BNB.

Q: What is the $MOD token address on BSC?

A: Binance Smart Chain $MOD contract address


Last updated