ODO Custodian

The last of the functions that control the ODO are the ones that are called by the team or eventual custodian(s) of the ODO, whether that still be the team or some form of decentralized custodianship. These functions are used to set the parameters that mainly control the financial aspects of the ODO.

1. Coins For Max Bonus

This value sets the amount of coins that need to be deposited into the CoinHolder in order to achieve the maximum staking bonus. Because having one’s coins deposited in a contract represents an opportunity cost, there should, ideally, be a way to offset that to some degree. This feature decreases the amount of coins required for staking for each dataset so the coins can be stretched a bit further. The bonus is stepwise-linear with four levels, so reaching 25% of the coins for the maximum bonus will net 25% of the bonus available.

2. Min/Max USD Base Pay

When determining the value of collateral and payments, the values are expressed in USD as a reference point. The minimum and maximum base pay values help in two ways. On one hand it helps the endorsers by ensuring the payment is at least the minimum, so they are not wasting their time with extremely low offers. On the other hand it can help a new creator understand how to set the correct payout so their data will be provided. The word “Base” here refers to the fact that it is the base value from which to compute the actual pay. As mentioned above, the actual data provider gets a little more than the base pay, and the endorsers receive slightly less than the base pay.

3. Min/Max Base Earning Percentage

The earning percentage is based on the length of time collateral is expected to be locked. This value is determined by the dispute period length. With a longer dispute period length the endorsers must leave their coins locked for a longer period, so the pay rate they receive is also increased. These values set the bounds to use when determining the pay rate, which is multiplied by the collateral amount and amount of data to get the payment.

4. Min/Max Dispute Period Length

These values set the range from which the dispute period length can be chosen. The shorter the dispute period length, the smaller the pay rate and the longer the dispute period the higher the pay rate.

5. Platform Fee

This is the value that is taken upon request batch registration that goes to the project and revenue sharers.

6. Max Required Lead

The number of endorsements by which a value must lead to become the consensus value is initially set by the creator. This value will gradually increase if consensus is taking too long in order to require a larger number of users to agree on the correct value. The maximum this value to which the value can increase or be set to initially is the max required lead. Currently, this value is set at its maximum possible and will likely only be decreased if a problem is encountered.

7. Max Dataset Size

This value is the maximum length of a list type dataset. The maximum is currently 20 values for a list, but this could be changed if necessary or requested.

Last updated